
Mr. Ramzi Fawaz joins the Advisory Board of BRIDGE©

Siri C. Genik, Principal and Founder of Bridge©, is delighted to welcome Ramzi to the Team, as a member of BRIDGE©’s Board of Advisors. Recently retired from Newmont Goldcorp Mining Corporation, where he served as the Senior Vice President of Projects for 8 years, Ramzi brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in strategic project


…THAT TRULY IS THE QUESTION, if you are trying to decide about sustainability and how to implement it within your organisation. There is ESG, CSR and Sustainability. Do they mean the same, how do they differ? …more questions. And thanks to social media, everyone is weighing in … So in fact it seems that Sustainability

Mongolia – Fast Forward to 2019

Gender Equity & Canadian Mining Supplier Mission April 8th to 12th 2019 A year ago I was excited to post an article following my travels to Mongolia in late fall 2017. I was extremely positive about the business and socio-economic environment that I found while I was there. This positivism was re-confirmed very recently with the

Mongolia 2018… Natural Resources Now and Beyond

I was privileged to have the opportunity of travelling to Mongolia late November 2017***. A country of strong contrasts and extremes, arid geography and desert climate (although right now Eastern Canada is probably colder!). Its infrastructure is challenging and its natural resources abundant. Mongolia’s population is approximately 3,5 million, its people are warm and welcoming,

Bridge © broadens its span with three new pillars

“Meeting public expectations in relation to the sustainability of natural resource development and industrial activity are an integral part of doing business in the 21st century. In 1987 the World Commission on Environment and Development reported: “Sustainability involves improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of the planet’s supporting ecosystems.”